Limitless Fire Protection offers top of the line fire safety for your commercial or residential building with smoke detectors, extinguishers, emergency lighting, monitoring systems, fire safety planning and more.

Fire Detection
Fire Sprinkler SystemsSuppression SystemsFire HydrantsBook a Repair

The First Step in Fire Safety

Smoke & CO2 Detector

The first step for fire protection for any home, building or industrial spaces. Install & maintenance available.

Fire Extinguishers

In the event of a fire, you need to have the confidence to act on the spot. The smaller the fire is, the sooner it goes out.

Emergency Lighting

Limitless Fire Protection experts are looking at the importance of emergency and exit lighting in fire safety systems, complete with advice on where it’s needed, and the different types of lighting available.

Fire Monitoring Systems

Limitless Fire Protection provides Fire Alarm Monitoring services which connect your building with the local fire department, alerting them if there is a fire. Get piece of mind knowing the fire department will be notified in time.

Fire Safety Planning

Limitless will assist you in putting together a fire safety plan that is up to Ontario's fire code.


CALL US 416-550-5578